employee of the company


27. 11月 2020

"Despite all external concerns – Bundestag approves new attempt to ratify the UPC Agreement by Germany!"

On Thursday evening, November 26, 2020, the Bundestag (German Parliament) approved the "Agreement on the UPC" in a roll-call vote with the required 2/3 majority. For completion of the awaited re-start of the German ratification of the UPC Agreement, the next steps are the approval of the Bundesrat (assembly of the Federal States) and the signature of the Bundespräsident (German President).

Although the next steps seem likely to occur in the new future, it has to awaited whether the expected further constitutional complaints will be admitted by the German Constitutional Court. In case one of these (possible) complaints is admitted, it will, at least, be a further substantial delay the start of the Unified Patent Court.

A further problem occurred from the fact that meanwhile UK is now no longer a member of the EU. Hence, the London Division is now a "spare" division of the UPC for which Italy, France and the Netherlands have expressed interest in hosting. However, in order to move the London Division, legal experts believe that all States must amend Article 7 of the Convention and then ratify it again in its amended form. Since the draft legislation does not take this aspect into account, many experts still consider the UPC Agreement to be open to attack.

The German Ministry of Justice confirmed that this issue will be addressed at a later stage. We wonder when and how?

20. 11月 2020

Securing software patents through the EPO

by Rainer K. Kuhnen in the IAM Innovation & Invention Yearbook 2021.

20. 10月 2020

We Got Awarded!

Kuhnen & Wacker is one of the best European Law Firm 2020.

The award is based on independent recommendations of more than 10,000 clients and peers, a committee compiled by the Financial Time's research partner Statista.
Across Europe, only 160 law firms have been awarded and we are one them.

15. 10月 2020

The Countdown is on ...

for the International IP Practice (Web)Seminar Chicago.

This free-of-charge Seminar in cooperation with WIPO and UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, will take place on October 16, 2020 in the form of an online Seminar. Details can be found here.
We look forward to your participation!

25. 9月 2020

Last chance …

to register for the 30th European Property Seminar Freising – This year online!

Our WebSeminar will be held from October 6 to 7, 2020. Please find here more details of the program of and register online until October 2, 2020. We look forward to welcoming you!

16. 7月 2020

30th European Property Seminar Freising 2020 – This Year Online!

Please find here more details of the program of our WebSeminar from October 6 to 7, 2020 and register online.

10. 7月 2020

The Countdown is on …

On July 14, 2020 our first, free-of-charge WebSeminar titled "The inescapable trap and triangle of death – The EPC a Bermuda Triangle?" will be held in cooperation with iam/Lexology.
Interested? Then register here or find further information here.
We look forward to welcoming you!

03. 7月 2020

International IP Practice WebSeminar Chicago

This year, our Seminar in cooperation with WIPO and UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, will take place on October 16, 2020 in the form of an online Seminar. Details can be found here.

26. 6月 2020

IAM Patent 1000 recommends us:

"Based in Freising, KUHNEN & WACKER provides farsighted, client-focused patent prosecution services to innovators across all sectors, from pharmaceuticals to mechanical engineering. Whether conducting patent searches, portfolio management, due diligence or freedom-to-operate analyses, it operates with percipience and finesse; it also has all the answers to competition law questions. The trusted allies of companies not only from within Germany and Europe, but also from as far afield as Asia and North America, its attorneys regularly collaborate to ensure a perfectly tailored service. Many have hands-on experience as R&D engineers, which means they speak the language of their clients and intimately understand their needs."

See firm profile

29. 5月 2020

WebSeminar “The inescapable trap and triangle of death – The EPC a Bermuda Triangle?” on July 14, 2020

We are pleased to invite you to join our first WebSeminar in cooperation with iam/Lexology on July 14, 2020, titled "The inescapable trap and triangle of death – The EPC a Bermuda Triangle?"

This free-of-charge WebSeminar will provide valuable practical advice of what to observe and take into consideration when filing PCT/EP applications. It will present many specific examples of what pitfalls to avoid and how to minimize hassles regarding formality objections right from the beginning of the drafting process. We will share our practical experience from recent cases with you, with a Q&A section after the presentation. Topics will include:

  • Clarity and enabling disclosure
  • Avoiding unnecessary limitations in original claims
  • How to avoid costs for excess claims
  • Advantage of national patent applications

Detlef von Ahsen, KUHNEN & WACKER IP Law Firm
Dr. Michael Zeitler, KUHNEN & WACKER IP Law Firm
Moderator of "iam webinars"

More information here https://www.lexology.com/Events/Details/8030

Please register here for our free WebSeminar.

We look forward to seeing you then!