Further legal fields
Further Legal fields
- Employee Invention Law
- Infringement Suits
- International Patent Applications (PCT)
- License Agreements
- Patent Law
- Product Piracy
- Research and Development Contracts
- Semiconductor Topography
- Trade Secrets
- University Inventions / Technology Transfer
- Utility Patent Law
- Variety Denominations and Variety Protection
Our specialists
- Stephan Kopp
- Rainer K. Kuhnen
- Michael Topf
- Christian Thomas
- Detlef von Ahsen
- Florian Kühbeck
- Julian Graf
- Birgit Reiter
- Michael Zeitler
- Christoph Lösch
- Christoph Straßl
- Stefan Mederle-Hoffmeister
- Ulrich C. Wagner
- Veronika Adam
- Verena Schladt
- Petra Reiprich
- Jürgen Oberdorfer
- Andreas Bühler
- Peter Hintermeier
- Martin Erhardt
- Alexander Wittmann
- Benedikt Rauscher
- James Allan Forstner
- Jörg Dorner
- Gerhard Gustorf
- Christian Kaschner
- Stefan Hofstetter-Spona
- Florian Falsett