Stefan Mederle-Hoffmeister
- Joined K&W in: 2010
- Admitted as Attorney: 2006
- Dr. rer. nat.
- Dipl.-Phys.
- Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
- European Patent Litigator (UPC)
- German
- English
Academic and professional career
University of Augsburg
Studies of Physics
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
PhD Thesis
Technical University of Dresden
PhD in the field of solid state physics
2002 – 2006: Patent Attorney Trainee at a Munich Law Firm
Since 2006: Self-employed Patent Attorney
- Chamber of Patent Attorneys
- DPG (German Physics Association)
- EPI (European Patent Institute)
- FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys)
- GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
- VPP (Association of Intellectual Property Experts)