Schreibmaschine mit Blatt

Shark tank of patents

People with exciting, unusual business ideas and new inventions – this is what defines the TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen". Founders, young entrepreneurs and inventors present their products and business ideas to the "Löwen", a jury made up of prominent business figures. The aim is to convince the successful major entrepreneurs to invest in the business idea presented. Often it is noticeable: Registered patents ensure the "wow" effect, the "hook" and immediate attention of the big business. This is proof of the patent's reputation. But a pending patent is certainly not yet a granted one. Patent protection is not easy to obtain. And that is also noticeable in the show. We took this as an opportunity to get to the bottom of the presented patent applications. From the point of view of patent law experts, the following is discussed: What is it about and why were the applications granted or not granted? What could have been done differently, better?


on June 22, 2022

In season 9, episode 7, of the TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen" (German version of the US show Shark Tank and the UK show Dragon's Den), a young startup, ajuma GmbH from Munich, presents a UV tracker called "UV-BODYGUARD", whose target group is outdoor enthusiasts and athletes.


on November 24, 2021


on October 18, 2021


on September 24, 2021